Wednesday, July 1, 2009

2009 Mercedes Benz GL550 4Matic

2009 Mercedes Benz Gl550 Front Three Quarters View

I have to admit, out of all the GL550's features, I found myself playing with the push-button ride-height control the most. After I pulled into my driveway, I summoned my neighbor from his house to show him how it raises and lowers the vehicle at a push of a button. For some reason, he didn't really care. I know this technology has been around for a while and is not necessarily groundbreaking, but it's still fun.

The GL550's gas mileage, on the other hand, is not so much fun. On my 63-mile commute, at times I could swear I could see the gas gauge needle slowly moving toward empty. Thankfully, the large 26.4-gallon fuel capacity allows a range of over 450 miles, which limits your trips to the gas station. The 21" five-spoke AMG wheels, which are standard on the GL550, really look sharp below the big GL body without hurting the ride quality much.

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